Order Cancellation & Refunds
How to cancel my order?
      Please raise the order cancellation request in this form.
What are the conditions required for order cancellation?
      You need to raise the order cancellation within several hours to guarantee the cancellation process. If the seller does not ship your order, order cancellation is guaranteed.
What is the turnaround time for order cancellation?
      In most cases, your order will be cancelled if the seller has not shipped your order.
My order is about to deliver to my address. I wish to cancel the order still. What should I do?
      Simply refuse the package and do not accept it. It will be automatically shipped back to the seller. Once the seller receives your order back, they will initiate a refund transfer within several working days.
How should I get refund?
      Refund will be processed to your original mode of payment.
How long would it take to reflect the refund back to my account?
      It may take several working days to reflect the transaction.